Writer Profile

Club Member

Parv Kohli


I am Parv Kohli a fellow fresher at MIT trying his very best to balance out his marks and K/D. You can always find me behind a computer screen or trying to click the perfect picture of the sunset. I wouldn't really call myself a coding enthusiast because I haven't had much past experience with it , but i love solving puzzles and brain teasers. I like to think myself as a caffeine addicted dog lover :P

Articles by Parv


Chinese hackers targeted Indians with e-shopping scams

4 years ago

Festive season, end of the year sales, and offers on various shopping sites have given... Read more


Cisco Inc. fell prey to Russian cyber-attacks

4 years ago

Reports last week stated that a Russian government hacking operation compromised multiple U.S. government computer... Read more


Bounty worth Rs 22 Lakh for a bug in Azure cloud systems

3 years ago

Bug bounty hunters are cybersecurity professionals or researchers who explore the web and find and... Read more


Pandemic has resulted in a spike in data breach costs, says IBM

3 years ago

According to Ponemon Institute's 'The Cost of a Data Breach Report,' sponsored and analyzed by... Read more


38 million data records spilled by Microsoft power apps

3 years ago

Microsoft power apps is described as a service that enables users to build and use... Read more


GoDaddy security breach exposes 1.2 million WordPress users' data

3 years ago

The web hosting company Go Daddy recently submitted a filing to the securities and exchange... Read more


Cloud services used to distribute Netwire, Nanocore, and AsycnRat Malware

2 years ago

Malicious attackers have been using public cloud services from Amazon and Microsoft in their campaigns... Read more


Hackers use rogue websites to attack organizations with lateral phishing

2 years ago

Microsoft has disclosed details of phishing campaigns used to target organizations by using stolen credentials... Read more


Hackers Planted Fake Digital Evidence on Devices of Indian Activists and Lawyers

2 years ago

Recently human rights activists, human rights defenders, academics, and lawyers across India have fallen prey... Read more